I was asked by the Hudson Star Observer to respond to the following questions. I’d like to provide my responses to you, personally, also. I hope my answers earn your vote on April 1, 2025. Thank you for your support.
Q: Why are you running for Town Board?
I understand the time it takes to raise a family, build a career, run a business, and just live life. After 42 years in the construction industry, I retired as senior project superintendent. My kids are grown and are raising families of their own. "Grandpa" is how I'm known to them these days. I believe now is the time for me to give back to St. Joseph with my time and my life's experience.
Q: What are some issues facing St. Joseph right now?
Issue: Money - Less Spending Not More
Like anywhere, money is always an issue, whether you have a little or a lot. As Supervisor, I would look at St. Joseph the same way that I look at my own checkbook. How much money do I have and where is it going? What I can afford, and what I cannot. Should I finance or pay cash? Are my taxes going up or going down? Do I think good use is being made of my investments? Etc.
Issue: Keeping St. Joseph a Rural Community
Keeping St. Joseph a rural community is also an issue for our Town. Most people that I've talked to live in St. Joseph BECAUSE it is a rural community. If I wanted to live in a city, I would. The landscape of St. Croix County, especially St. Joseph, is being squeezed from all sides. I'd like to see St. Joseph maintain the current 3-acre lot size policy, at a minimum.
Issue: Complete Transparency
It's important for the Supervisors to be available to the Town residents whether in person, at a Board meeting, or via monthly Zoom meetings. As far as the Zoom meetings go, some of our Town's cameras work, some don't. Sometimes you can hear, sometimes you can't. I think it's a mess and makes the Town look bad.
When trying to find a document or agenda or some other historical Town document online, it's frustrating. I've ended up emailing our Town Clerk multiple times for help, which doesn't seem like a very efficient use of her time.
Q: What are some things you think the town could implement in the coming years?
Since St. Joseph is growing at the rate that it is, I think it's important to start the conversation about having our own Public Works Department. The needs of St. Joseph are growing. The days of buying and maintaining piecemeal equipment are probably gone. In my opinion, it's time to start planning.
Q: What is something you've done as part of an organization or company you are most proud of?
The day my employer turned "The Deerfield" building in New Richmond over to the residents was a great day! The smiles and hugs we received from the residents moving in from their old facility were priceless. As senior project superintendent, working on that particular project was special. I was building it for my neighbors. Eventually, both my folks used the facility and couldn't have been happier with their experience. I'm pretty proud of that.
Q: What is something else that voters should know about your platform?
It's important to remember that the St. Joseph Town Board election is non-partisan. It's about neighbors serving their neighbors. My campaign is 100% self-funded because I'm "all-in" for the Town of St. Joseph. Finally, combining my career experience with the Public Works Committee, along with my long-term commitment to the Town of St. Joseph, I believe that I am the best choice for Supervisor 2. It's time to bring common sense and experience back to the St. Joseph Town Board.
Respectfully submitted,
Richard E. Hailey
Candidate, Supervisor 2
Town of St. Joseph